ARB-3D Altimeter The ARB-3D altimeter is a real-time integrating accelerometer and barometer for computing the absolute values utilizing floating-point mathmatic calculations. The heart of this altimeter uses the BasicX-24 stamp.
Accelo-Graph The Accelo-Graph software configures the settings on the ARB-3D and downloads the flight data files. Testing the continuty and pyro channels can be tested as well as polling real-time acceleration and barometric pressure values. The downloaded flight data can be examined as acceleration, thrust, velocity, and altitude over time. Zoom in on the acceleration and thrust curves for a closer examination. The thrust curve can be exported as an .ENG file to be opened in wRasp simulation program! The Accelo-Graph record files (.rcd) is comma delimited so it could be opened in a spread sheet program without any exporting. BasicX-24 Chip BasicX-24 is the World's most powerful BASIC programmable Microcontroller. It's all-in-one design provides a power-packed module capable of fitting in the smallest of applications. The BX-24s powerful feature set and low cost make it the perfect choice for any application or project.
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